If you are facing unmanageable debt and need a fresh start bankruptcy may be your best solution. At the Law Offices of Elisa Blum, we can help you eliminate credit card debts, personal loans, medical bills and other bills that have made your life difficult. When you are ready to reclaim your life, the federal government gives you the opportunity to get a fresh start through filing for bankruptcy. If you are facing an unmanageable debt situation and need to find a viable solution, contact the Law Offices of Elisa Blum where we can file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for you.
A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy gives individuals a “fresh start” by getting rid of their unsecured debt.Unsecured debtis debt which is not backed by an asset, suchascredit cards, medical bills,personal loans and deficiency claims on repossessed property.
Once your bankruptcy is filed,your creditors must stop contacting you. We can help you can get rid of your debt in as little as four months after you file.
Bankruptcy is thefastest and most efficient way to manage overwhelming debt. Picture a life not weighed down by debt and debt collectors, where you can spend your money and use it how you want. Contact the Law Offices of Elisa Blum for a free consultation that will enable you to take care of your future.